Current booked dates:
8/30 (BOOKED)
8/31 (BOOKED)
9/7 (BOOKED)
9/8 (BOOKED)
9/14 (BOOKED)
9/21 (BOOKED)
9/22 (BOOKED)
9/28 (BOOKED)
10/4 (BOOKED)
10/5 (BOOKED)
10/12 (BOOKED)
10/13 (BOOKED)
10/18 (BOOKED)
10/19 (BOOKED)
10/26 (BOOKED)
11/1 (BOOKED)
11/2 (BOOKED)
11/9 (BOOKED)
11/16 (BOOKED)
11/30 (BOOKED)
12/13 (BOOKED)
12/14 (BOOKED)
12/21 (BOOKED)
1/11 (BOOKED)
1/18 (BOOKED)
3/1 (BOOKED)
3/22 (BOOKED)
4/4 (BOOKED)
5/24 (BOOKED)
5/31 (BOOKED)
6/7 (BOOKED)
6/27 (BOOKED)
6/28 (BOOKED)
8/2 (BOOKED)
8/9 (BOOKED)
8/23 (BOOKED)
9/13 (BOOKED)
9/20 (pending)
Here you will find all currently booked dates on the calendar.
Dates marked pending mean a contract is out, but it is not yet confirmed, so the date is still available (so make sure you get those contracts back in good time)
I try to keep this list updated weekly, but a busy schedule sometimes prevents me from doing that (last updated on 9/3/24)